Investment Philosophy
Quality lies at the heart of our investment decisions

Investment Philosophy
Quality lies at the heart of our investment decisions

We form our own opinion

At Belvalor, we take the time to analyse companies extensively in order to gain a detailed understanding of their business models, strategies and financial indicators. Company visits, shareholder conferences and analyst presentations are an essential part of our information gathering. That is how we access valuable information first-hand, which helps us to make substantiated and well-informed investment decisions. We also use independent financial analyses from third-party providers to complement our own work. These external sources provide us with further insights into company and market valuations. The combination of our own thorough analysis and information from third-party providers allows us to form an opinion based on a broad and diverse spectrum of knowledge.
We form our own opinion

At Belvalor, we take the time to analyse companies extensively in order to gain a detailed understanding of their business models, strategies and financial indicators. Company visits, shareholder conferences and analyst presentations are an essential part of our information gathering. That is how we access valuable information first-hand, which helps us to make substantiated and well-informed investment decisions. We also use independent financial analyses from third-party providers to complement our own work. These external sources provide us with further insights into company and market valuations. The combination of our own thorough analysis and information from third-party providers allows us to form an opinion based on a broad and diverse spectrum of knowledge.
Investment concept – Focus on direct investments

Our investment concept is based on a combination of the factors of quality, valuation and timing. We focus on transparent, cost-efficient and liquid investments. We have a profound network for alternative investments.

Quality is the key criterion in our investment decisions. We must be convinced by the business model, leadership and solidity. Companies in which we invest must be able to negotiate difficult market phases and maintain growth. A key part of that is robust and high profit margins.

In addition to a company’s operational performance, the purchase price of the investment is a key success factor of its return. We aim to invest in attractively valued securities and exploit phases of excessive valuation to realise profits.

Financial markets are influenced by many factors that are hard to predict in the short term. Our approach is based on meticulously analysing long-term market developments and positioning our investments accordingly.
Investment concept – Focus on direct investments

Our investment concept is based on a combination of the factors of quality, valuation and timing. We focus on transparent, cost-efficient and liquid investments. We have a profound network for alternative investments.

Quality is the key criterion in our investment decisions. We must be convinced by the business model, leadership and solidity. Companies in which we invest must be able to negotiate difficult market phases and maintain growth. A key part of that is robust and high profit margins.

In addition to a company’s operational performance, the purchase price of the investment is a key success factor of its return. We aim to invest in attractively valued securities and exploit phases of excessive valuation to realise profits.

Financial markets are influenced by many factors that are hard to predict in the short term. Our approach is based on meticulously analysing long-term market developments and positioning our investments accordingly.